Search results for "'''Queensland'''"
Showing 166 - 170 of 209 retirement village listings. Sign up to save this search.
Mt Gravatt Retirement Community - TriCare
1748 Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122
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1748 Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122
(Estimated range for this listing)$116,000 - $465,000 -
Settlers Forest Lake - Settlers Lifestyle
41 High St, Forest Lake QLD 4078
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41 High St, Forest Lake QLD 4078
(Estimated range for this listing)$110,000 - $285,000 -
Lakeside Village - BlueCare
1-3 Aquila Ct, Mermaid Waters QLD 4218
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1-3 Aquila Ct, Mermaid Waters QLD 4218
(Estimated range for this listing)$195,000 - $300,000 -
Trinder Park Rest Home - Lutheran Services
10 Laurel St, Woodridge QLD 4114
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10 Laurel St, Woodridge QLD 4114
(Estimated range for this listing)$130,000 - $275,000 -
Noosa Domain Village - Country Club Living
35 Walter Hay Dr, Noosaville QLD 4566
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35 Walter Hay Dr, Noosaville QLD 4566
(Estimated range for this listing)$475,000 - $800,000